Your Gift Will Make a World of Difference
When you join us in our mission your support promotes independence, provides meaningful opportunities, and helps people with disabilities live empowered lives in our community. Your help is needed and truly appreciated. In fact, every dollar you invest in North Star returns dividends of encouragement, achievement, and personal triumphs.
There are Many Ways to Give to Support North Star!
Donate On-Line
We can accept your online donations safely and securely through PayPal.
By clicking the DONATE button below, you are able to give a one-time gift, or set-up a recurring payment:
1.) Safely and securely through your PayPal account, OR
2.) You may also use your major credit card (no PayPal account is required to checkout as a guest).
Your tax-deductible gift supports individuals with disabilities served by North Star.
You may indicate if you wish to support a particular program, or if your gift is in honor or memory of someone.
We can now also accept your donations safely and securely through Venmo.
Simply scan this QR code ▶
type in @NorthStar1975
Your tax-deductible gift supports individuals with disabilities served by North Star.
You may indicate if you wish to support a particular program, or if your gift is in honor or memory of someone.
Donate by Mail
As always, your check is welcome!!
Simply send your check to:
North Star Community Services
3420 University Avenue, Ste. C
Waterloo, IA 50701
Make a note if you wish to support a particular program, or if the gift is in honor or memory of someone..
Help us build for a secure future through a gift to our Endowment Funds!
We have an important goal and YOU can help us!! Part of our strategic plan to ensure North Star is around for a long, long time providing services to the important people we serve, is to grow our (Quasi)Endowment Fund to at least $1,500,000. This fund operates much like a savings account, with a better rate of return - the funds remain liquid and readily available as needed. Think of it as a "rainy day fund" - offering a measure of security for the uncertainty that community providers, like North Star, face on a regular basis. The usual tax benefits apply.
North Star also has a (regular) Endowment Fund. Both accounts are held at the Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa. You can make a gift that can go on giving forever. This fund ensures a sustainable and long-term source of funding to continue services into the future. A donation to North Star through the regular Endowment can offer additional tax savings for you, including the 25% Endow Iowa Tax Credit.
There are a variety of options to consider (bequests, life insurance, IRA rollover, and more). A planned gift to the North Star's Endowment Fund is a "win-win" for everyone. It not only provides essential long-term funding to North Star, it also offers donors and/or their heirs important tax benefits and control of their assets.
For more information on ways to give and potential benefits, or to make a gift to either of North Star's Endowment Funds, call (319) 226-8304 and we can answer your questions, or for more great information visit Community Foundation of Northeast Iowa.
Make a gift directly to either fund using the buttons below, and always consult your tax professional.
Donate to the Alex J. (AJ) Seeley Memorial Fund
In early 2024 North Star established a fund in memory of North Star's employee Alex (AJ) Seeley to benefit persons served by North Star. If you choose to donate to this fund, you will have an impact on the people with disabilities that Alex cared about and supported during his career with North Star.
The funds are held as a permanent endowment at the Waterloo Community foundation and will be distributed bi-annually to meet a need for someone served at North Star Community Services.
Follow the link to donate directly to the Waterloo Community Foundation, or you can also donate to this fund by sending a check, PayPal for credit card gifts, and Venmo. Just be sure to make a note letting us know where to direct the money.
Tribute & Memorial Gifts
Special people deserve special recognition. Gifts can be made in someone’s memory or as a great way to honor someone. What a perfect way to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or other important personal milestone!
Anyone can make a tax-deductible gift at any time, in any amount to North Star Community Services in honor or memory of someone special. Simply make a note, or contact North Star directly at (319)226-8304.
* North Star Community Services is a 501(c) (3) non-profit Iowa corporation. Your charitable contribution is fully deductible as provided by law. Please consult a tax professional if you are contemplating a gift with tax consequences. North Star Community Services Privacy Policy